Black and brown women: vulnerabilities occurred from 2010 to 2018 in the extreme southern of Bahia




Domestic violence, ethnic violence, intimate partner violence, rape


Violence alters society in countless ways, being disproportionate in relation to women, especially blacks and browns in situations of vulnerability, which makes them prone to marks that influence their daily lives. The objective of this theme was to analyze the prevalence of domestic, sexual and / or other conditions in black and brown women in the period from 2010 to 2018, in the extreme south of Bahia. For the concreteness of this research, in the methodological field, an epidemiological, cross-sectional, descriptive approach was chosen secondary information provided by the Ministry of Health in the DATASUS database, evaluating the state and the macro-region of the Far South, correlating with the number of psychogical / moral violence in both. Upon entering the questions that guided this study, it was noticed that in view of the universe researched, the results show a growing number of cases, from 873 cases in 2010 to 25,872 in 2018 in the state, when the macro-region was analyzed, there were a total of 1,751 cases, as for psychological / moral violence, the maximum peak occurred in 2018, in both regions; the study shows an exorbitant increase in relation to black and brown women at risk in Bahia, especially in the macro-region. It is concluded that it is necessary to increase measures aimed at providing greater protection and care for the victims, since that the home is "the most dangerous place for these women", which culminates, often in long-term violence.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, B. F., Barbosa, C. B., Santana, D. N. de ., Almeida, C. A. de ., & Lago, V. M. (2022). Black and brown women: vulnerabilities occurred from 2010 to 2018 in the extreme southern of Bahia. Uningá Review, 37, eURJ4336.



Social and Human Sciences