Infertility, Public Health, Unique Health SystemAbstract
Form a family it is still a current thinking of society. However, for those who wish to increase progeny through gestation, can have this desire interrupted by infertility and promote an overwhelming shock. In this way, this problem gained a space within the SUS, becoming a public health problem. The infertility is considered when the individual has minimal chances of generating a baby. Therefore, low fertility has been a problem since the ancient times and perpetuated, even with different visions, in the contemporaneity. Today the treatment is not impeded by the lack of methods, but by the difficult access to the centers that are located in the big cities. Over the years, various laws and promulgations have emerged with the intention of guaranteeing citizens' right to access to a health system, universal and integral, that fulfills its attributions, from the prevention of an unwanted pregnancy to conception, naturally or not. In this sense, this work has the purpose of clarifying the understanding about this disease, the existing barriers and their causes, as well as the knowledge to the right by the search of centers that provide the treatment.
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