About the Journal


Created in 2004, Revista Uningá is managed by the Open Journal Systems (OJS/PKP) platform. It presents stratification B3 by the Qualis Periodicals/CAPES (2017-2020). 

e-ISSN: 2318-0579

DOI Prefix: 10.46311

The journal has the following indexations: 

  1. Research Bible
  2. Google Scholar
  3. Internet Archive Scholar
  4. Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras (Sumários.org)
  5. Revistas de Livre Acesso (LivRe)
  6. Scope Database
  7. Asian Science Citation Index (ASCI Database)
  8. Periódica (Biblat)
  9. Global Health Database
  10. Scilit
  11. Wikidata
  12. CUIDEN
  13. Directorio Latindex
  14. Diadorim
  15. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  16. Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources (ROAD)
  17. Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals (EuroPub)
  18. Diretório das Revistas Científicas Eletrônicas Brasileiras (Miguilim)
  19. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
  20. Journals Insights
  21. Sherpa Romeo
  22. Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
  23. Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
  24. Système Universitaire de Documentation (SUDOC)
  25. Fatcat! 
  26. Catálogo 2.0 Latindex
  27. OpenAlex
  28. Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR) 
  29. Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) 
  30. AURA
  31. Portal de Periódicos da Capes
  32. Brazilian Open Access Publications and Scientific Data Portal (Oasisbr)

Since 2020, the journal has been bilingual, with publication in both Portuguese and English. Moreover, in 2021, continuous publication was implemented, meaning that the system remains open to submissions on the OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform at any time of the year, thus contributing to the fluidity of the study evaluation/publication process.

Papers submitted in Portuguese, after approval, must be translated into English, with certification of translation issued by a professional in the area, along with the correction/revision of the abstract. The team member responsible for copy editing will check the translation of the paper, and if it is not in line with the journal's standards, be aware that the study will be returned for reformulation.

Papers submitted in English, on the other hand, after approval, must be reviewed with a review certification issued by a professional in the field. The team member responsible for copy editing will consider the revision of the paper, and if it is not in line with the journal's standards, be aware that the study will be returned for reformulation. In addition, a copy of the Portuguese version is required by the journal.

The journal follows the privacy policy from the moment of the submission until the publication of the papers. The submissions must be made only with original texts that are not simultaneously submitted to other periodicals or that infringe the rights of third parties. The content of the text is the sole responsibility of its authors. Once the text is submitted, the author agrees with all policies and guidelines.


To propagate science in the following areas of knowledge: Health Sciences and Biological Sciences I, II and III, preferably by publishing original articles, as well as case reports and literature reviews.


The scope of Revista Uningá covers the fields of Health Sciences and Biological Sciences I, II and III.

For the field of Health Sciences, the journal adopts the vocabulary and the keywords according to the present in the DeCS (Descriptors in Health Sciences), access by link: https://decs.bvsalud.org/ 


The papers must be submitted through the Open Journal Systems platform – available on the Revista Uningá website, upon registration of the author.

Once registered, the author(s) can access and submit the text to the Editorial Board for publication. Only one paper at a time must be submitted for publication. The editorial process can be followed by accessing the system, but only by the corresponding author. The entire editorial process is confidential.

The paper submitted in Revista Uningá must:

  • Be original and unpublished.
  • Be written in Portuguese or in English, containing at least eight pages. 
  • Have two titles (in Portuguese and in English).
  • Have two abstracts (one in Portuguese and one in English). The abstracts must have 150 up to 250 words. Add the keywords in Portuguese and in English, after the abstract in both languages (minimum 3 and maximum 5).
  • Be in A4 format edited in .doc or .docx (Word); with spacing 1,0 between the lines; the margins with 3 centimeter (top, bottom, right and left); font Times New Roman, size 12. Do not include notes in the text.
  • Indicate if the search was financed by any institution.
  • Follow the American Psychological Association (APA) standard for citations and references.
  • Inform the title of the work; the name(s) of the author(s) and their(s) respective institution(s); e-mails and which one is the corresponding author. All the data about the professor advisor should also be included. 
  • Base your work on the international checklists: CARE (for case reports); CONSORT (for randomized clinical trials); COREQ (for qualitative studies); PRISMA (for systematic reviews and meta-analyses); STROBE (for observational studies in epidemiology).

Access to have the Revista Uningá's standards. 

See the video on how to register on OJS. 

Follow the steps to submit your manuscript. 


A statement must be attached signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all co-authors at the submission, in an area designated in the system “Copyright/Conflict Interest Statement”.

The statement must:

  • Confirm that the manuscript original (unpublished) without fraud and/or plagiarism derivations. If the manuscript is derived from a thesis or dissertation, it must be informed.
  • Certify that the manuscript has not been submitted for publication in any other print or electronic media (except those published as preprints).
  • Attest that the content of the manuscript is the sole responsibility of all the nominated authors, who assume that they have significantly contributed to the research and provide retractions or corrections if necessary.
  • Verify cases of conflict of interest. Whether it occurs or not, they must manifest themselves, because it will be analyzed later on by the Editorial Board.


The journal embraces the Open Access Policy, in other words, all content is available immediately and free of charge. Besides, users can download, read and distribute the collection freely, the authorization of the authors of the manuscript is not necessary, because this kind of access is in accordance with the users’ rights established in the open access.

The licensing rights used by Revista Uningá is the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0). The authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. It means that the credit is given to the author, however, sharing (copying and distributing the material in any media or format) and adapting, remixing, transforming and creating material from the content are allowed, licensed for any purpose, including commercial. 


The manuscripts submitted to Revista Uningá adopt the full implementation of the Open Access proposal, whose amount charged is only to include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), XML, and to diagram the paper, in order to emphasize the non-profit nature of the journal.  

The Article Processing Charge (APC) is R$300,00 (BRL) per accepted paper (2024). The payment must be made by bank transfer (and the information will be sent by email at the time of approval of the study). 

It is noteworthy that the amount is only charged after the approval for publication, in order to make it clear that the initiative has nothing to do with the submission of the manuscript, which will follow its normal procedure, that is, no cost is required when performing it.  


When it is received, the manuscript goes to the first evaluation phase called Desk Review. In this stage, are observed: framing the scope and merit of the manuscript for publication, if the study fits to the editorial standards of the journal and has no similarity with other studies. For the purpose of avoiding plagiarism, the periodical uses the iThenticate, by Turnitin. Those papers that do not comply with the criteria will be rejected without peer review.

Manuscripts approved in the first phase are double-anonymous evaluated by two PhDs reviewers in the field of the submitted research. Those professionals can be from national and/or international institutions with proven scientific production.

After due corrections and adjustments to the suggestions, the manuscript will be accepted for publication if it has two favorable opinions and will be rejected when two opinions are unfavorable. In the case of a favorable and an unfavorable opinion, the decision on the publication (or not) of the article will be taken by the Editorial Board.

The publication process lasts on average 180 days. 


The journal is committed at all stages of the editorial process to ensure the integrity of the research, and suspected cases of misconduct will be investigated. If necessary, retractions, clarifications or corrections will be published.

In the face of any observation of misconduct, the manuscript's editorial process will be interrupted and everyone involved will be informed. If there is no misconduct, the editorial process is resumed. Otherwise, the Journal can operate, for authors: archiving the manuscript, as if not accepting new submissions by the involved authors; for the reviewers: removal from the Journal's Editorial Board; for the editors: dismissing their obligations.


Revista Uningá follows the principles and standards recommended by the COPE (Committee on Public Ethics) for integrity in scientific publications, in accordance with https://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf.

The submitted manuscript that involves human beings, directly or indirectly, must be approved by the Research Ethics Service (RES), as defined in Resolution 466/2012. Manuscripts whose project uses secondary data, sociological, anthropological, epidemiological research, as well as those involving only medical records review, are included.

The submitted article involving the handling of animals must be approved by the Animal Ethics Committees (AEC). It is mandatory the attachment of the supporting document when submitting in the designated area “Ethical Aspects”.


In accordance with COPE, Revista Uningá adopted the anti-plagiarism tool iThenticate, which was found to be one of the most complete and respected programs. The software helps to detect exact reproduction of writing found in already published papers, in order to avoid publishing manuscripts containing similarity.

When the journal receives a submission, during the Desk Review process, the editorial staff makes use of the software. It gives a percentual number, that can vary between 0% and 100%. Depending on the score, the Editorial Board can decline the article with no further consideration.


Although the classification of "crime" is absent when it comes to self-plagiarism, it is still considered "misconduct", "unethical", "bad practice". The journal therefore condemns any practice of self-plagiarism. Auto-plagiarism is characterized by publishing one's own research twice (duplicate publication, in other words, publishing a second study without mentioning or referencing the previous one), fractioning the dissemination of the work's data, known as "salami slicing" or using excerpts from previously published studies and disseminating them as if they were new.


Authors can contribute to the dissemination of their article and ensure that it has greater visibility and citations.

The periodical uses social media to promote articles. For this, after approval of the manuscript, authors are invited to share their account names in different media, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. After the publication of the article, held on the journal by OJS website, the disclosure is carried out in the media of Editora Uningá (Facebook and Instagram).


Revista Uningá strongly embrances the cause of DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility) in scientific publishing. The submission of manuscripts on the subject is welcome, as well as socioeconomic, local and gender multiplicities among authors.


Licença Creative Commons
This journal is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

(Last updated on 11/10/2024, at 10:49 AM.)