Strategies for promoting the Barbie movie: an initial reading gesture
Critical theory, Discourse Analysis, pink.Abstract
The movie Barbie was the highest-grossing movie in 2023, and, as a result, it received many awards, including the Golden Globe for Cinematic and Box Office Achievement. Is all the success due solely to the quality of the movie? The aim of this paper is to analyze some strategies used to promote the movie Barbie on the internet, considering the concepts discussed by Walter Benjamin (1975) and Michel Pêcheux (2014). To achieve our goal, a qualitative documentary analysis was carried out by using as raw corpus the promotion of the movie on the internet (Google, TikTok, and Twitter). In this paper, we will apply the reflections and concepts outlined by Walter Benjamin and Michel Pêcheux to our contemporary context. The analysis based on the raw corpus is highlighted throughout the paper, according to Benjamin’s style of organization between theory and practice. When analyzing the strategies for promoting the Barbie movie, we found an appreciation of the color pink and an investment in the use of social networks and humor, since the target audience concerns young people.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Cíntia Bicudo, Luciana Cristina Ferreira Dias Di Raimo , Aline Gonçalves de Lima

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