Incidência de depressão em mulheres
O presente trabalho discorre sobre o estágio desenvolvido por dois
anos visando discutir o tema depressão em mulheres. Foram necessárias
visitas aos Hospitais Santa Casa de Misericórdia localizada na cidade em
Maringá e no Hospital Regional do Vale do Ivaí – Jandaia do Sul-PR,
Hospital Regional e no Setor de Psicologia de Mandaguari-PR, realizando
entrevistas com diversos profissionais da saúde e discutir através de
literaturas científicas, propondo abordar o alto índice de depressão em
mulheres. O interesse pelo tema da depressão surgiu pelo fato de ser um
tema atual, que tem sido explorado pelo meio de comunicação.
Cómo citar
I declare/we declare that the text submitted here is original, of my own authorship and does not infringe any type of third party rights. The content is my/our sole responsibility. Possible research involving animals and/or human beings is in accordance with Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council and its complements. I declare that I am/we are in possession of the written consent of patients and that the research and its procedures were timely and adequately approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution of origin. We further declare that all institutional affiliations and all sources of financial support for the work are duly informed. I certify that there is no commercial or associative interest that represents a conflict of interest related to the submitted work. If there is commercial interest, in addition to the technical and academic ones, in the publication of the article, the information will be reported during the text.