Information For Authors

For the authors

Manuscript submission process

The manuscript must be original and not have been previously published, nor have it been submitted to another journal, nor can it be under evaluation in another journal.

The composition of the identification of the authors, as well as their affiliations and the identification of the corresponding author, must be contained in the file.

Citations and references are standardized according to the American Psychological Association (APA) standard.

Manuscripts submitted in Portuguese, after approval, need to be reviewed in the language itself and, subsequently, translated into English. The member of the team responsible for copy editing will check the revised and translated versions of the paper. If there are divergences from the journal’s standards, be aware that the study will be returned for reformulation.  

On the other hand, manuscripts submitted in English, after being approved, need to be linguistically reviewed, so that the translated version in Portuguese can later be provided. The copy editor of the journal will analyze both versions, if they happen to be misaligned with the requirements of the journal, be aware that the file will be returned for reformulation.

The Article Processing Charge (APC) when the manuscript is approved for publication in the journal is R$300.00 (BRL). This amount is charged to pay for Digital Object Identifier (DOI), XML markup and diagramming.

Registration in the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) needs to be done, as well as filling in your information (e.g., affiliation and scientific production), in order to recognize you and avoid ambiguity of authors. Still, it is essential that your profile remains open to the public, as this helps in your identification. 

The file stating each author’s contribution needs to be filled in according to the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy). Found at:

Use of international guidelines for the elaboration of studies, such as:

CARE (for case reports).

COREQ (for qualitative studies).

PRISMA (in systematic reviews and meta-analyses).

Recommended verb tense to use in each section:

  • Introduction: write in the Present Tense.
  • Materials and Methods: use the Past Tense.
  • Results and Discussion: write in the Present Tense.
  • Conclusion: write in the Present Tense.

Main reasons why the manuscript is declined:

  • Out of scope.
  • Presence of textual similarity.
  • Self-plagiarism.
  • Duplicate submissions.
  • Improper writing.

Errata and retraction policy

The journal allows the publication of errata, i.e., corrections of the authors' data, of the title or in the layout of the manuscript itself, either due to errors on the part of the journal or the authors.

Regarding the retraction, the journal is responsible when it needs to occur. It applies to cases in which, after publication, there is a need for partial corrections in the manuscript, due to methodological mistakes, errors in data analysis, inadequate scientific conduct, or lack of reproducibility of the study.