Perception of deaf patients about medical care
Communication barriers, health services accessibility, medical assistance, people with hearing impairment.Abstract
Deaf people are those who understand and interact with the world through visual language. Due to the linguistic and cultural differences that characterize the deaf population, this group still faces difficulties in accessing health services. For this reason, it was proposed to investigate communication difficulties in providing care to deaf patients. This is a qualitative study which was carried out at the Association of the Deaf of Maranhão (ASMA), in São Luís. The sample consisted of 10 women and 10 men, all over the age of 18. The information was collected through semi-structured interviews, with the help of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) interpreters. Data interpretation were performed based on thematic content analysis. Two thematic categories were identified: “communication” and “autonomy”. In the first, the interviewees pointed out the lack of knowledge of the doctors about the needs of the deaf community or about their language, LIBRAS. In an attempt to establish a dialogue, the patients reported the use of writing, gestures and orofacial reading during the consultations. These strategies, however, are insufficient, since the information cannot be well understood. The second evidenced the need for the presence of companions to mediate the dialogue, as the participants stated that they did not find LIBRAS interpreters in the health units, resulting in loss of autonomy and confidentiality of information. It is concluded that this scenario of adversity implies important consequences for the health of this population, as well as lower adherence to treatments and a decrease in the search for medical care.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Isabela Coelho Simão, Águida Shelda Alencar Santos, Leticia da Silva Ferreira , Jacira do Nascimento Serra, Janaína Oliveira Bentivi

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