Ponticulus posticus: prevalence and association with clinical manifestations in a Brazilian population
Anatomy, axis cervical vertebra, cone-beam computed tomography, headache.Abstract
Ponticulus posticus (PP) is an anatomical variation found in the Atlas vertebra (C1). This variation may be associated with clinical symptoms. This study aims to contribute more to the respect of PP, through an investigation of its prevalence by Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in a Brazilian population, correlating sex, age and mainly, its correlation with clinical manifestations. 673 scans of Brazilian patients were analyzed. PP´s presence and type of were evaluated and categorized as partial or complete, unilateral or bilateral. The relationship of PP presence with symptomatology was obtained by a questionnaire applied. 167 (24,81%) patients presented PP. Of these, 39 (23,35%) individuals participated in the investigation regarding the information about the presence or absence of any symptoms that could be related to the presence of PP, being 23 (58,98%) women and 16 (41,02%) men. 11 (28,20%) patients presented partial PP in the left side, while eight (20,51%) presented partial PP in the right side. Nine (23,07%) patients presented bilateral manifestation. There was no association of any symptomatology with the types of PP classification (p-value > 0,05). No statistical relationship between sex and age was found. Likewise, it was possible to conclude that there is no proven correlation between the presence of PP and the presence of clinical manifestations.
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