Alcohol, college students, hepatic profile, steatosisAbstract
Hepatic steatosis is a condition that affects the liver by increasing the visceral fat causing hepatic damage. The disease development might be associated with sedentary lifestyle; unhealthy eating habits; as well as use of tobacco, medications, and alcoholic beverages especially in college students due to change in their routine. In this sense, the goal of this study was to evaluate the hepatic profile of such students throughout the TGO, TGP and Gamma GT enzymes and to correlate this information with data obtained by a questionnaire regarding food consumption, alcohol intake, tobacco use and physical activity. In order to do so, an analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in individuals of both genders, male and female, aged between 18 and 30 years old and from different graduation courses in which such students filled out a questionnaire form and underwent venous collection for the laboratory analyzes. Forty-six students from different graduation courses were evaluated. Most of them were female (67.40%), single (93.5%), sedentary (73.91%) and making use of alcoholic beverages (63.04%) at least 3 times a week. From all the subjects analyzed, were 22% of them that presented alterations in the serum dosage of liver enzymes, a fact that is relevant and raises our concern because it refers to such a young community with strong negative indications regarding their own health care.
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