Maxillary sinus , sinusitis , therapeutic irrigation.Abstract
Although well reported in the literature, endoscopic antrostomy cannot provide full access to the maxillary sinus, a fact that raises some controversy about its extension. Caldwell-luc access antrostomy has been performed for more than 120 years, under general or local anesthesia, managing to ensure greater visibility of the area being explored. A 40-year-old female patient attended the maxillofacial service of the Hospital do Oeste - Barreiras (BA) for evaluation. She claims to be suffering from chronic sinusitis for approximately one year after undergoing endodontic treatment, with constant nasal obstruction on the right side and failing to reach a considerable improvement with the medication use. The proposed treatment was the maxillary antrostomy with Caldwell-luc approach, under general anesthesia, followed by the installation of a rigid drain for direct irrigation in the maxillary sinus through an opening in the lateral wall of the nasal cavity on the affected side. Caldwell-luc approach is a classic procedure in the literature and has remained as a hegemonic surgical technique for the treatment of sinusitis until functional endoscopic surgery has emerged, which has made a less invasive technique possible. However, the advances in endoscopic surgery find a barrier in the limitation of the area accessed by this type of procedure. Despite the possible complications regarding the technique, the Caldwell-luc approach remains as a plausible method for the treatment of maxillary sinus morbidities.
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