Mandibular fracture in victim of home aggression: case report
Domestic violence, facial injuries, jaw, maxillomandibular fractures.Abstract
As a consequence of its prominence on the face, the mandible is one of the bones most susceptible to fractures caused by different etiological agents. Currently, domestic violence has been a considerable factor in the appearance of facial injuries, which are mostly performed by partners of the victims. The aim of this study is to report a case of mandibular fracture caused by domestic violence. Female patient, victim of domestic aggression, attended at the Maxillofacial Service, in Bahia, with extensive submandibular hematoma, facial asymmetry, pain during physical examination and presence of atypical mobility on mandibular manipulation. The Computed Tomography exam evidenced two fracture lines in the mandible. The patient was submitted to surgery for osteosynthesis, uneventfully. Considering that the face is an aesthetic region, manipulation in those structures is an aesthetic and functional challenge, requiring specialized care.
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