Dens in dens, dens invaginatus, dental malformation, endodontic treatment.Abstract
Dens in dens is an abnormality described as a bending of the enamel organ into the dental papilla during the tooth development stage. It affects especially the upper lateral incisors in a frequency of 0.04% - 10%. The objective of this study was to discuss the different clinical interventions in the literature and focusing on the need for endodontic treatment in cases of dens in dens. A search in the databases PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (BVS) and Google Scholar was carried out using the keywords: “dens in dente”, “dens invaginatus”, “dental malformation”, “endodontic treatment”, “root canal treatment”, “endodontic therapy”, “endodontics” combined with the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”. Dens in dens treatments include enamel sealing, endodontic treatment, combined surgical treatment, intentional reimplantation, and extraction. The treatment is selected according to the classification, which can be divided into type I, II or III. Tomography has been indicated for diagnosis and planning. Cleaning and modeling, in these cases, are difficult and complex. Ultrasonic inserts can be used to enhance the effects of the auxiliary chemical substance in cleaning the canal. The thermoplasticized gutta-percha filling is satisfactory by providing a better filling in the root canal obturation. It can be concluded that to treat the cases of Dens in dens, the dentist needs to have knowledge about diagnosis, anatomy, radiographic and tomographic interpretation, and to know the possibilities of clinical intervention according to its classification.
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