Uningá Review
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Isaac Romani
Open Journal Systems
<p>The Uningá Review is a continuous and bilingual (Portuguese and English) publication, it has a multidisciplinary nature, aimed at publishing original scientific papers, literature reviews and case reports. In addition, the journal is open, freely accessible to all interested parties and we accept submissions in the following areas of knowledge: Environment and Agricultural Sciences; Exact and Earth Sciences, and Engineerings; Social and Human Sciences. </p> <p><strong>e-ISSN: 2178-2571</strong></p> <p><strong>DOI Prefix: 10.46311</strong></p> <p><strong>Qualis Periodicals (2017-2020): B3</strong></p>
Ethological bases of infanticide: a state-of-the-art approach to mammals
Bruna Casagrande Terna Pedroso
Liliane Keren Deringer
Alan Deivid Pereira
Huilquer Francisco Vogel
<p>Considering that infanticide can oppose the interests between offspring and parents, as well as between the two sexes, the aggressive behavior of adults against infants is considered a fundamental part of the organisms' strategy. Thus, this article aims to describe the types of infanticide, explaining the advantages of each biparental infanticidal behavior. The research was carried out using the Publish or Perish© software, with keywords such as “ethology”, “infanticide” and “mammals”, in English, Portuguese and Spanish. After selection and discarding, we selected 51 works, including scientific articles, theses and dissertations, covering a period of 40 years. We organized them systematically, separating the references into two approaches: (a) physiological and (b) sociobiological/ecological. The results indicate that infanticide behavior in mammals can be influenced by different factors, such as environmental stress, hormonal pathways, mainly oxytocin and vasopressin. Furthermore, studies have shown that there are individual differences in the behavioral response to parental care and infanticidal behavior, influenced by both the genotype and the environment in which individuals were raised. Infanticide behavior can also be seen as an adaptive parental strategy to increase the chances of survival and future reproduction. Ultimately, our results highlight the complexity of mammalian infanticide behavior, pointing to the importance of considering physiological, sociobiological and ecological factors in its analysis and interpretation.</p>
Copyright (c) 2024 Bruna Casagrande Terna Pedroso, Liliane Keren Deringer, Alan Deivid Pereira, Huilquer Francisco Vogel
Evaluation of the shelf life of minimally processed cassava treated with antioxidant solution and edible cassava starch-based film
Juliana Cristina Castro
Natália Santos Pretes
Ana Laura Castilho Franco
Anna Beatriz da Silva
Manoel Genildo Pequeno
Rerison Catarino da Hora
Juliana Scanavacca
Cristiane Mengue Feniman Moritz
<p>The practicality of the easy preparation of minimally processed cassava makes this market segment a viable alternative for adding value to the product. However, there is an intensification of the alterations due to physiological deterioration of the roots in storage. In light of this, the aim of this study was to evaluate cooking time, respiration rate and physicochemical properties during the shelf life of minimally processed cassava treated with preservative antioxidant solution, cassava starch-based film-forming solution and the set of antioxidant solution and film, in addition to the control treatment. All treatments were evaluated at zero, three, six, nine, 12 and 15 days of storage under refrigeration at 4 ºC. The following analyses were conducted: colorimetry, browning index, moisture, weight loss, pH, acidity, shear force, compressive force, cooking time and respiration rate. The data were submitted to analysis of variance with repeated measures and comparison of means using Tukey's test at 5% significance. It was found that the treatments with film, preservative solution and both applied to the roots of minimally processed cassava presented the same shelf life as the control treatment. However, cassava treated only with film had higher values in respiration and acidity and although the results showed a significant difference, the preservative solution showed promising results that warrant further research in view of new formulations and tests to assess quality maintenance and storage time.</p>
Copyright (c) 2024 Juliana Cristina Castro, Natália Santos Pretes, Ana Laura Castilho Franco, Anna Beatriz da Silva, Manoel Genildo Pequeno, Rerison Catarino da Hora, Juliana Scanavacca, Cristiane Mengue Feniman Moritz
Spina bifida and myelomeningocele in a newborn canine: case report
Lucilena Benites
Karina Maria Basso de Oliveira
<p>Spina bifida is a congenital bone malformation characterized by failure of neural tube closure during the embryonic phase. It can present in the form of spina bifida occulta, meningocele or myelomeningocele. This work reports the clinical case of a two-day-old dog treated at the ANCLIVEPA-SP Veterinary Hospital which was born with spina bifida in the form of myelomeningocele. In the macroscopic findings, the animal presented a fissure in the thoracic region, with exposure and protrusion of the spinal cord due to failure of neural tube closure. Radiographic findings showed the involvement of several segments of the spine and spina bifida in the form of myelomeningocele. In the lateral projection, an important dorsal deviation of the anatomical axis of the thoracic spine and the thoracolumbar transition between T5 and T13 were observed, in addition to exposure of the dorsal portion of the articular facets from L1 to L4 to the external environment. In the ventrodorsal projection, the absence of closure of the dorsal arch of the C1 to L7 vertebrae was visualized. The owner opted for euthanizing the animal as there was no effective treatment for this illness.</p>
Copyright (c) 2024 Lucilena Benites, Karina Maria Basso de Oliveira
Lumbosacral osteoarthritis in lioness (Panthera leo)
Eduardo Augusto Terra Rossi de Barros
Paulo Fernandes Marcusso
Giovanna Valverde Magalhães Barbosa
Henrique Scomparin Guardia
Sônia Rumiko Suzuki França
Giovani Dal'Bó
Michelle Falcade Forti
Guilherme Guindolin Galassi
Fábio Henrique Viaceli Conforti
Daniela Pereira Bonini
Renato Leite Leonardo
Renata Paulino Xavier
Luciana Facco de Andrade
Everton dos Santos Cirino
Jorge Aparecido Salomão Júnior
<p>Osteoarthritis is a chronic disorder that deteriorates articular cartilage and periarticular structures, being a major cause of joint pain in elderly felines. Cats frequently develop arthritis due to aging, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle – factors that are common in captivity. Therefore, arthritis in wild felines can be considered to be triggered by the same factors, given the similar physiology of domestic cats (Felis catus) to other members of the Felidae family. This study aimed to report a case of lumbosacral osteoarthritis in a lioness (Panthera leo). The 20-year-old animal from the Americana Ecological Park in São Paulo showed signs of apathy and hyporexia and was sent to the Veterinary Hospital of Americana College (FAM) for a check-up. The complete blood count was normal, while the biochemical profile showed slight hypoalbuminemia and a significant increase in amylase. Ultrasound revealed subtly irregular kidney contours. Endoscopy showed hyperemia in the respiratory tract and polypoid nodules in the nasopharynx. The larynx had bilateral subglottic ulcers, and the bronchi exhibited malacia and bronchial ring fractures. Radiography showed mineralization processes of the sternocostal joints and xiphoid luxation. In the spine, there were enthesophytes in vertebrae, ankylosing bridges, intervertebral foramen opacification, loss of articular facet definition, vertebral body remodeling, and mineral radiopaque structures overlaying the spinous processes. Therefore, it is concluded that due to genetic and evolutionary proximity, attention should be paid to signs of arthritis in wild felines as predisposing factors common in captive environments, along with advanced age, may trigger osteoarthritis similar to that of domestic felines.</p>
Copyright (c) 2024 Eduardo Augusto Terra Rossi de Barros, Paulo Fernandes Marcusso, Giovanna Valverde Magalhães Barbosa, Henrique Scomparin Guardia, Sônia Rumiko Suzuki França, Giovani Dal'Bó, Michelle Falcade Forti, Guilherme Guindolin Galassi, Fábio Henrique Viaceli Conforti, Daniela Pereira Bonini, Renato Leite Leonardo, Renata Paulino Xavier, Luciana Facco de Andrade, Everton dos Santos Cirino, Jorge Aparecido Salomão Júnior
Strategies for promoting the Barbie movie: an initial reading gesture
Cíntia Bicudo
Luciana Cristina Ferreira Dias Di Raimo
Aline Gonçalves de Lima
<p>The movie Barbie was the highest-grossing movie in 2023, and, as a result, it received many awards, including the Golden Globe for Cinematic and Box Office Achievement. Is all the success due solely to the quality of the movie? The aim of this paper is to analyze some strategies used to promote the movie Barbie on the internet, considering the concepts discussed by Walter Benjamin (1975) and Michel Pêcheux (2014). To achieve our goal, a qualitative documentary analysis was carried out by using as raw <em>corpus</em> the promotion of the movie on the internet (Google, TikTok, and Twitter). In this paper, we will apply the reflections and concepts outlined by Walter Benjamin and Michel Pêcheux to our contemporary context. The analysis based on the raw <em>corpus</em> is highlighted throughout the paper, according to Benjamin’s style of organization between theory and practice. When analyzing the strategies for promoting the Barbie movie, we found an appreciation of the color pink and an investment in the use of social networks and humor, since the target audience concerns young people.</p>
Copyright (c) 2024 Cíntia Bicudo, Luciana Cristina Ferreira Dias Di Raimo , Aline Gonçalves de Lima